Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Recipe Call: Fudge, Anyone!!?

Tasty Tuesday
Grab the button here and come join us, or just link to another site with a recipe you're going to try... or post a recipe in the comments! 

I'm on the hunt for amazing fudge recipes. I want to make fudge (and toffee, truffles and turtles), and I really don't know where to start. There is a curious lack of credible sites posting good recipes online; is this one of those secret family recipe things?

Easy 5 minutes microwave varieties? Please. Laborious candy thermometer versions? Yes. Any kinds. I'm open to it all, but for the record I think maple fudge is a crime against humanity.

Thank you.

If you don't have a blog, then please share recipes in the comments of this post.

In the meantime, might I direct you to a Tasty Tuesday entry I tried and loved last week? It's going on our regular meal plan from now on; it was ridiculously simple but outrageously tasty.

Amy Caroline's Parmesan Chicken.

I've made Chicken Parmesan before... breading, then frying, then baking... but this was so much simpler and just as delicious. I added some leftover homemade pizza sauce, and voila! A stress-free, last-minute, throw-together, comforting, yummy dinner. Heaven knows this time of year we need some of those, hm?

What have you made, lately?


  1. Oh my. That's my caramel recipe with a kick! If I'm not pregnant or nursing next year, I definitely want to give that a try!

  2. Well the alcohol cooks off so you just get the flavor, so make it this year!

  3. My mom has an insanely easy fudge recipe that she got off the back of a can of sweetened condensed milk 20 years ago...or something like that. My mother is like a black hole cooking goddess...she just finds this stuff.

    Anyway. I'll have to re-comment or Facebook you when I'm not in the middle of finals, because this is 10x better than any other fudge I've ever eaten.

    (Not that I'm biased...)


  4. P.S. This fudge is easy enough that *I* can't ruin it, which means that you could get your nieces to do it and it'd probably come out just fine.
