Thursday, October 21, 2010

Small Successes: Bills, Bells, and Boxes


1. I finally paid the lab bill for this bad news zinger. I bitterly refused to pay the negligible amount for the last two months, wondering why they should add insult to injury by sending a bill. It was more the fact that I didn't want to think about it, and signing my name to a check would kind of ratify the news and make me face it anew. But justice demanded I send them their wages, so my account is now settled there.

2. I picked 30 pounds of bell peppers and jalapeƱos before it froze. Yay!! Now to slice and freeze them...

3. I refrained from checking the UPS tracking code obsessively when I knew I had packages coming. Instead I was happily surprised when they arrived. I amaze myself with my self-restraint sometimes. hehe

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