Monday, September 13, 2010

Monday Musings

Right Now:  It is 10:30. The girls arrived a while ago and are doing Phonics and Reading; they've finished Handwriting, Spelling, Vocabulary, and Religion. I woke up at 6, went to Mass, cleaned the whole house (not as big of a deal now that I'm "flying with the FLYLady"), had breakfast, and am in a great mood.

I've always had a hard time getting up early; I'm a total night owl. I talked with my mom this weekend and she told me how she gets up at 5:30 to go walking. 5:30!?! "How do you do it??" She has her clothes laid out the night before (my mom's a born organizer) and just "doesn't think." She says once you start reasoning with yourself (even "I wonder what day it is") you've already lost the battle. Just don't think and get up.

So I laid out my clothes last night (a FLYLady evening routine) and this morning at 6am, *ring ring ring.* Slap the alarm clock. "Hm... I'm sooo tired. If I went back to sleep I could still get to the 8:30 Mass... QUIT THINKING AND GET UP!!" Thanks, Mom! It worked!

This Weekend: was glorious. I love weekends. On Saturday I opened all of the windows and sat in the sunshine reading Mrs. Mike. It starts off a bit like "cheap literature," and I thought, "it's not going to be very profound." I'd had it on a very trusted and respected authority, however, that it was a good book, so I kept going. Wow. It was very good.

Yesterday I made my husband read it and we had a grand time discussing it. Then we called my Dad, went to Mass (there was no music, and I had a gut-twisting guilty feeling the whole time that I should just volunteer and play from memory, but I didn't and I regret it), and then my darling took me on a surprise date! Dinner and star-gazing in the park. Oh what wonderful conversations we have!

Anyway, I feel refreshed and ready to face the week, now.

Some Plans for the Week:  Bacon and eggs are great for breakfast, but we need toast so I need to make bread. While I'm at it, I'd like to make some more hamburger buns, some bagels, and try something new (maybe a multigrain bread).

My husband has promised to give me tractor lessons this week. He and his brother are going to put in another 40 acres of hay and need to plow up the fields. While they're working on setting up irrigation, I'm purportedly going to run the plow. This should be rich.

If I Find Some Time for Myself I Want To: Find another good book to read. Having associated reading with dry philosophy, I'd forgotten how much I do love reading literature. Any recommendations?

Special Prayer Intentions: in thanksgiving for the wondrous and sacred gift of Holy Matrimony. For an end to the culture of death and the "contraceptive mentality," and for a strengthening and renewal of marriages.

Something That Makes Me Smile: what else can I say? My husband! But I'm also smiling because my pastor smiled at me this morning. Smiles are contagious.

Monday Musings are hosted at Patch O' Dirt Farm.


  1. If you're looking for good literature, I have not yet been disappointed by Jane Austen or Tolstoy. Anna Karenina is absolutely my favorite novel, though it's not what you'd call uplifting.

  2. Ooh, goodness. I feel like I should know more of what you've already read... and maybe I do, but I'm kind of brain dead tonight. Haha. Anyway, most of my best recs are in my 50 Favorite Books (which are not all literature, by any means, but I think you'll be able to tell the difference.) Beyond that: I like some of Twain's work, Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment, Scott's Ivanhoe, Lewis' Till We Have Faces, and Les Mis is rewarding in the sense that at the end you can say you've read a 1200-page book. ;)

  3. I second Les Miserables, and also highly recommend the Kristin Lavransdatter trilogy. Get the Tiina Nunelly translation.
