Thursday, August 19, 2010

Varied Successes


1. I want to teach my nieces the dying art of needlework and cross-stitching. To that end I went to four, count 'em four, stores looking for beginner cross-stitch kits. Nothing!! I finally found the "Learn a Craft" series by Dimensions on Amazon. After shipping costs it won't be cheap. Ah, what we do for the arts!

A Careful Stitch by Emile Munier

2. My sister-in-law and I canned tomatoes! So far this year we've just done whole tomatoes, but as the tomatoes ripen in the garden we'll continue with spaghetti sauce, Mexican and Italian stewed tomatoes, and maybe even tomato paste.

3. When we returned the rental car it had 7/8ths of a tank of gas. They charge a $5.99 per gallon refueling fee, which would have totaled $12. I'm tired of lining other people's pockets with our hard earned money. So, despite the fact we were dead-beat exhausted, we went to fill up the tank and saved $7. Yes it's only $7, but it's our $7.

Check out others' small successes and share your own at Faith & Family Live.


  1. Nice week! It is very rewarding to share your talents of needle craft with the young, what a great investment overall! Contgrats on the canning! Wish our garden had done better. Just think of what you can do with that $7, money well saved!

  2. Thanks for your kind comments on my post. I wish I could grow tomatoes and can them as well. I love tomatoes. Great successes for the week .God Bless.

  3. I love your successes! Thanks for stopping by my site, too. It was a delight to find you. Your blog title is *great*. Maybe I'll see you next week!

  4. I love cross-stitching! It is my hobby of choice...every other year or so when I have time for a hobby. I think it'll be great to teach my kids, but want to wait until First Daughter is a little older. You'll have to let us know what you think of the kits.

    And I'm jealous of all your canned tomatoes. Maybe next year...

  5. Great successes this week! I'm canning tomatoes with my little ones this weekend or next and can't wait!

  6. Awesome successes! Love cross-stitch. I am always stitching gifts for the family. Right now I am working on sweatshirts for Christmas gifts.
    Have a fabulous week!
