Friday, August 20, 2010

Scenes from the Breakdown

Nowheresville, Idaho is thoroughly unremarkable, but Idaho itself is a beautiful state.

We stopped in Twin Falls to stretch and smell the roses.

This reminds me of The Land Before Time.

Would that make this The Land Before Time II?

I loved the bridge... built on solid rock.

These crazy lovebirds tried five times but never got a clear picture.


  1. You've yet to tell us about how you two crazy lovebirds met! :) Or, maybe you did and I came along too late or missed it. Always like a good love story...

  2. That is so lovely!! I love Idaho too. We always love visiting out that way. The kids adore Boise!

  3. The Land Before Time... I never would have thought of that, but it really does look like it. :)
