Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Perfect Crunchy Beer Battered Onion Rings

Tasty Tuesday
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Every once in a while you hit upon a recipe that's pure perfection. It doesn't happen often, actually. But last week we hosted all of the in-laws for a going-back-to-college party for my sister-in-law, and I was hoping for one "wow factor" item. While the grilled beef tenderloin was pretty "wow," the food highlight of the evening was undoubtedly the perfectly crunchy onion rings.

No picture? Sadly no. You'll have to take my word for their perfection.

I just couldn't bring myself to photograph an onion ring while my father-in-law was in the house. I know he wouldn't have thought less of me, but I couldn't take a chance.

Without further ado:

Perfect Crunchy Beer Battered Onion Rings
Heavily adapted from Recipe Trove

4 Sweet Onions (Vidalias, Sweet Texas, Walla Wallas, or the like), sliced into 1/4-1/2 inch rings

Seasoned Flour:
2 C. Flour
4 tsp. Paprika
2 tsp. Garlic powder
1 tsp. Onion powder
1/2 tsp. Pepper
1/4 tsp. Cayenne pepper

1/3 C. Cornstarch
1 1/2 C. Flour
2 tsp. Garlic powder (not garlic salt)
1 tsp. Onion powder (not onion salt)
2 tsp. Paprika
1 tsp. Dried oregano
1 tsp. Salt
1 tsp. Pepper
24 oz. Beer (my husband thought it was a glorious waste until he tasted the onion rings!)

Mix seasoned flour ingredients together in a shallow dish (like a square Pyrex casserole dish).

In a separate bowl, mix cornstarch, flour, and seasonings until well blended. Add beer (after a little swig) and mix well.

Dip separated onion rings in batter, into flour, and back into batter to coat thoroughly.

Gently place twice-battered onions in a deep pan or fryer basket and deep-fry at 375 to 400 until golden on one side. Turn over, and fry until golden on the other side (anywhere from about 1 1/2 - 3 minutes each side).

Drain on paper towels and salt them immediately.

What culinary successes have you had lately?


  1. This sounds so good. I would love to have dinner at your house! Yum!

  2. Interesting info! I enjoy reading these types of posts.
