Monday, August 30, 2010

Monday Musings

Right Now:  2:15pm. I'm listening to one niece timidly preparing a speech and another laboring and groaning over a book report. This is the onerous part of the day, but soon they will get to open their science sketchbooks and the humming and laughing will return.

This Weekend: was fantastic!

On Saturday, my sister-in-law and I canned 22 pints of stewed tomatoes and froze several pounds of peaches.

Yesterday was a glorious day with my husband, complete with Holy Mass, sudoku puzzles, peach pie and grilled beef tenderloin. My darling did the dishes all day without being asked. I really needed a day off from kitchen work and appreciated his unrequested support!

Some Plans for the Week:  Build a chicken coop. It must be done.

If I Can Find Some Time for Myself I Want To:  Go yard sale-ing. I'd really like a little kitchen table for the toaster oven and coffeemaker. I could use a rolling pin, too.

Special Prayer Intentions: For wisdom, prudence and peace in upcoming decisions regarding the cherry farm.

Something That Makes Me Smile: Sweet memories of a loving weekend with my beloved.

Monday Musings are hosted by Patch O' Dirt Farm.

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