Thursday, August 26, 2010

Keeping Up


"It’s important... to recognize that all the small successes in our days can add up to one big triumph. So on Thursday of each week, we do exactly that." -- Danielle Bean

1. There are just 5 days left in this month and we're still $85 under our grocery budget! Maybe this whole garden thing is working more than I thought it would...

2. Successfully started the first week of school with my nieces! I'm kind of excited about Geography. We're going to use this series from the library to help learn all of the states and capitals.

3. Realizing the "thank you, God, for this day" while dozing off during the first decade of the Rosary is not an ideal way to end my day, I've tried to start praying (while kneeling or sitting up) Evening Prayer, an examenation of conscience and an Act of Contrition. It gives me a better perspective on my day, something to work on tomorrow, and hopefully will make going to Confession a little easier ("now what did I do five weeks ago?").

Read others' small successes and share your own at Faith & Family Live.


  1. Great list! I'm super impressed with the grocery budget! I've been trying to convince my husband that planting a veggie garden would actually save money in the long run - but to no avail. Maybe I can use your post to make my case...

  2. I love #3 -- prayer is personal and we have to do what works best for us to keep that relationship strong between ourselves and the Lord. Great work figuring out what works best for you in prayer!

  3. Really impressed with #1!! I am usually over the budget by hundreds it seems sometimes, even with a garden. Maybe because I have a 15yo son? Am curious to know what your total budget is. Mine is $800-$1,000, more than my mortgage!!

  4. Well... six months after eliminating high fructose corn syrup, MSG, partially hydrogenated oils, and soy lecithin, our grocery budget was literally cut in half from $--- to $---. No matter which numbers you plug in there it's lowered a lot! (Sorry for being vague... I just have to be careful what I post on here).

    I home-make as much as possible (still haven't quite figured out how to make Triscuits, hehe), have lost 10 pounds, have a lot more energy, improved moods, and have saved a lot of money (though perhaps made up for it in time used this way). It's not nearly as convenient, and often I'm tempted to run to the store and pick up a frozen pizza, but I remember the benefits and know it's a lifestyle I'm willing to keep.
