Friday, August 13, 2010

Just Peachy

Last night my darling husband brought home about ten pounds of peaches from the farm. I'm told there are lots more where those came from, but I don't quite know what to do first...

Peach pie? Peach butter? Frozen peaches? Peach ice cream? Peach cobbler? Peach smoothies? Peach liqueur? Canned peaches? Peach jam? Peach buckle? Peach tart? Peach sorbet?

I think for now we'll stick to peaches and cream.


  1. Definitely peach jam!! YUM!! I'd also just wash and slice a bunch of them to freeze for later! FUNFUNFUN!

  2. I vote for ice cream and cobbler *dies*

  3. When I read this one last week, I went out and bought peaches.....then made cobbler today....YUM! Thanks for the inspiration. Also, I posted that salsa recipe...hope it helps you in your canning! ~sahmatwork
