Friday, August 6, 2010

The Great Purge

My car is still in Idaho on mechanic's blocks. We rented a car to come home.

Now begins the daunting task of unpacking. The problem is, there's nowhere to put some of this stuff. It's time to admit, my house is cluttered.

Pieces of paper that are so "important" they've been piled on my desk for a year, cell phone chargers for old phones that might come in handy some day, craft supplies from abandoned projects, books I didn't like the first time and don't intend to re-read, clothes I might fit into again if I ever start that exercise regimen.

I can't even bring myself to take a "before" picture because it's so bad. 

Bishop Donald Montrose of Stockton, CA wrote a powerful pastoral letter about spiritual warfare in which he stated:
Our homes should be sacred, peaceful places in which to live. Our homes need to be clean. We should not let them become dirty or allow disorder by having junk and filth accumulate in our drawers and closets. The power of evil abhors cleanliness.
I'm armed with holy water and trash bags: the devil's going down.


  1. Good for you! We are still going through our major purge and as we clear out bag after bag to sell or donate, I literally can breathe easier. Our basement never looked so good, am hoping for a play area for the children down there...deadline, 3 more weeks!

  2. Girl....I know exactly what you're talking about! I'm constantly decluttering!! Here's my little note on it:

    I'm about to write a part 2 of sorts though...I'm still getting rid of things.
