Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Versatile Blogger Award

I've never received a blogging award before. But thanks to the aptly named Joy at Joy in the Morning, I can add that to my list of lifetime accomplishments! Thank you so much, Joy!!

The rules for this blog award are:
1. Thank the blogger who gave it to you (a no brainer!)
2. List 7 things that people may not know about you;
3. Pass the love to 15 deserving bloggers (uum... 4 seems more reasonable);
4. Let them know you gave them the award.
7 Things You May Not Know About Me:

1. I write and eat left-handed but do everything else righty.
2. I gag everytime I try to eat spaghetti with marinara sauce. I don't know why, but I've never liked it. Spaghetti and alfredo sauce? Yum. Lasagna with marinara sauce? Yum. Spaghetti with marinara? Blech!!
3. My husband was my first kiss -- after we were engaged.
4. I was homeschooled from 2nd-12th grade. And I loved it.
5. I took classical piano lessons for 12 years and became quite proficient, despite the fact the only time I practiced was during lessons (oh my poor poor teacher).
6. I sob like a baby during the Gloria at the Easter Vigil. I can't help it! It's so beautiful!
7. I call it "soda," not "pop."

Four of my Favorite Bloggers Deserving the "Versatility Award"

1. Nadja at Patch O' Dirt Farm. Her blog is, I think, my favorite of all. I want to be Nadja. She's cultured, beautiful, feminine, lovely, has cows, pigs, chickens, and half a dozen adorable holy homeschooled children!
2. Amy Caroline at Knit Together Designs (formerly Knit Together). I love Amy Caroline. If we lived closer I'd want to be her best friend. She probably now thinks I'm a creepy stalker, but based on her blog I think she and I are a lot alike. I always look forward to her versatile posts.
3. Cathy LeBlanc at Catholic Mom in the Country. She's a Cajun lady who appreciates the finer things in life (Cajun cuisine) and whose posts are so real and refreshing. No pretense here, it's all good!
4. The Lovely Blogger at Sacred Hours. She doesn't post frequently, but each post is poignant, thoughtful, beautiful and helpful. I'm so edified by her lovely blog.

I have many many other favorite bloggers, but I think the four above best exemplify "Versatile," as they post on a variety of topics.


  1. You are not a stalker, lol!!! Thank you so much!!!!

  2. You are really too sweet...and just so you know, I write and eat lefty and do everything else right-handed, too! And I weep at ordination masses when they sing the Veni Sancte Spiritus.
