Tuesday, July 27, 2010

T-Bone Brussels Sprouts

Tasty Tuesday
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Grievous sin of food blogging: I'm going to post a recipe without a picture. It just never occurred to me to take a picture of Brussels sprouts before, but after yesterday's post I thought I should share them.

No, they don't taste like little t-bone steaks, but they would be a great side for a grilled steak. I've had many avowed Brussels sprouts haters eat these with gusto and ask for seconds.

Caramelized Brussels Sprouts
Recipe adapted from All Recipes

* 2 pounds Brussels sprouts, sliced in half lengthwise
* 1/4 cup unsalted butter
* (optional) tablespoon or two of bacon grease
* 2 small red onions, cut into strips
* 4 tablespoons red wine vinegar
* 2 tablespoon white sugar
* salt and pepper to taste


1. Place Brussels sprouts in a steamer basket over boiling water. Cover saucepan and steam 8-10 minutes or until Brussels sprouts are tender yet crisp.
2. Melt the butter in a deep skillet, add the onions and 3 tablespoons vinegar; cook until onions brown.
3. Add the Brussels sprouts, sugar and remaining vinegar. Saute over medium heat until the Brussels sprouts are lightly caramelized.

(Usually I add a little more sugar while cooking, and some crumpled bacon at the end).

What have you made lately?


  1. I have never had brussels sprouts. Maybe I'll have to change that. Hmm.

    The T-bone comment made me laugh. That's too awesome.

  2. I left a link to my ham fried rice!
