1. Lost 7 pounds! Yes, it's the same 7 pounds I keep losing, but hey... at least it's down and not up.
2. When my car was in the shop, I actually walked to a store. Me. I walked somewhere. As in: on foot. Mm hm. 'Cause I can do that. Yay me.
3. I got an application for a local Catholic high school... teaching Religion. I haven't sent it in yet, but... I need something to report next Thursday, right?
Check out others' small successes at Faith & Family Live.
I think walking to a store is huge. I can't remember the last time I did that.
Good for you on those 7 pounds! I've lost 4 and I'm feeling so proud. Can't wait to get to 7! Will be back next Thursday to hear of your application success! Go you!
Congrats on losing weight! It is nice to be going in the right direction. And that's great that you walked to the store, I wish I could do that more often. Sometimes I find myself thinking how cool it would be to live in a place where walking was the main mode of transportation. Then I remember what its like carrying groceries home :)
COngratulations on losing the 7 lbs! How wonderful that you walked to the store too! I haven't done that in years.
Good luck with the job application!
1 - Yay!!
2- Maybe doing it more will help go even more than 7 lbs. Since John and I only have one car and we live 10 min walk from the store, I walk sometimes.
3- Yay again!! I hope it works out for you!
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