Wednesday, July 14, 2010

New Banner Poll

Several of my favorite blogs have updated their looks lately. It's making me self conscious.

My little blog is over a year old and I've done a lot of tweaking but nothing drastic. I don't necessarily want to make a drastic change (yet), but I'd like to make it a little more personal by adding photos to the banner.

To that end I'd appreciate some input. Could you please vote on a new banner (you can click on any of them to see a larger image)?

There's the current banner... simple yet feminine. I'm comfortable with it.

Then there's Option 2... too crowded?

And Option 3... I love this picture of us but it kind of jumps out and screams, "HI THERE, WE'RE HICKS. WELCOME TO MA BLOG!!!!"

Of course option 4 is to keep making banners until I find one that is so perfect it needs no vote, but being a perfectionist that would be a lifelong quest.

After you vote, could you please leave a comment as to why you chose the one you did? Thanks a million!


  1. Actually I think your existing banner is fine but voted for which of the new ones I would switch to (if you are to switch)

    BTW ~ I passed on an award to you in celebration of the wonderful versatility on your blog.

  2. i LOVE that picture of you two. when i look at it i don't think "wow, what hicks!" i think "wow, they are so in love!" :3

  3. I like the current one, too, but option 3 is wonderful as well. Hm. Think I may vote for 3 after all...

  4. I am feeling self conscious too...I don't have a banner....SIGH...and I have 2 stinking blogs!

    I do love opt.3 by the way! SO CUTE!

  5. I chose number 2. I think it's a nice picture and makes it look less crowded than number 3. Although 2 looks kinda Christmasy. But if you really like the picture for 3, then go with that one!

  6. You look very happy in no 3, and no it not too crowded, just right.

  7. I pop by every so often and read but rarely comment.
    I have voted for number 2 as I think it looks fresher.
    Enjoy reading your posts

  8. I like option 2...and, you're blog looks really great as is! I have a bad habit of changing my blog layout on a regular basis because I get bored with it...probably not a good move, but oh well...I really want a simple, clean, pretty blog, but I have yet to find something that really works for me. one day!

  9. You are too funny...I like the one that is up now...the #3. I like it when blogs are personal.

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