Monday, July 12, 2010

Monday Musings

Right Now:  I slept in (by accident), missed Mass, lost my keys, had an unfriendly encounter with the scale, and have unpleasant duties to do for the rest of the day.

This Past Weekend:  My sister-in-law got married and moved far away! Oh how I miss her already.She looked radiantly beautiful and there were five priests concelebrating the Nuptial Mass. Quite a blessed day.

My darling husband had a birthday yesterday. Did I mention lately that the man is amazing?? Wow. He makes my heart happy. He makes my eyes brighten. He makes me a better person. And he's crazy in love with me! Wow! Sometimes it makes me so happy I cry. God is so good to have brought us together!

Some Plans for the Week: I have a five gallon bucket of peas that need to be washed, sorted, blanched and frozen. I also want to paint the wicker chairs we got. I'm not much of an interior designer and have done no decorating besides hanging some artwork we got as wedding presents... but I like these chairs and think they need to be beautified and utilized.

I'm babysitting my nephew tomorrow, and playing the piano for a children's choir rehearsal this Friday. It's kind of a random-event Summer week.

If I Can Find Some Time for Myself, I Want To: Find recipes for the zucchini that are plotting a coup d'état of our backyard.

Special Prayer Intentions: For restoration of peace in a sticky situation. For an increase in the virtues of humility, honesty, and prudence. And in thanksgiving for the wondrous gift of Sacramental Marriage!

Something That Makes Me Smile: I don't mean to keep gushing, but I can't help it!! I love my husband and I don't care who knows it. Just the thought of him makes me smile.

Thanks to Nadja at Patch O' Dirt Farm for hosting Monday Musings.


  1. And as a tip for those who haven't already done so, I recommend taking a look at City Wife's "About" page and see how true that last one is!

  2. zuchinni bread and fried zuchinni r good. i liked your about section.
