Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Leftovers That Don't Seem Like Leftovers

Tasty Tuesday
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In general I really don't like serving leftovers to my husband. No matter how good it was the first time, it's usually a shadow of its former self the second go round. But we were swimming in leftover meats and had baguettes about to go stale. So last night I was operating on the idea that cream cheese makes everything better and went with it.

Cream cheese, smoked salmon and capers. Not bad!

I just toasted the baguettes in the toaster oven until they were crispy and brown.

But still a little chewy... I wasn't going for the melba toast effect.

Then there was cream cheese and leftover chicken from the Chicken Parmesan.

Whole seed mustard complemented it pretty well.

Ground pepper, cream cheese and leftover skirt steak from those fajitas...

My husband remarked, "This isn't leftovers, it's a new creation."

Better than goulash casserole!

1 comment:

  1. Haha... cream cheese does make everything better. Cream cheese with steak on baguettes? Yeesh. That's just about making me drool.
