Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Sticky Chicken

Tasty Tuesday
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My little sister is here!!

For weeks I've been fretting about meal plans, especially for the first night. Homemade ravioli, panko asparagus, Swedish meatballs on homemade fettuccine, lobster bisque, ribeyes with roasted garlic mashed potatoes?

But when she got here yesterday, all I could think to make was a staple from our childhood: Sticky Chicken with white rice and peas. My mom made up the recipe.

It's simple fare. It's flavorful. It makes a great gravy to go on the rice (if you don't put gravy on your rice you can just stop reading my blog, please. Thank you.). And you know what? It was perfect.

Sure, you could add fancy vegetables or herbs, but sometimes simplest is best. It's what makes comfort food comforting.

Sticky Chicken
  • pat of butter
  • pack of chicken legs (they make the chicken sticky... don't ask me why... chicken breasts don't stick)
  • salt, pepper, garlic powder to taste
  • water
  • bottle of Worcestershire sauce
In a large saucepan, brown the seasoned chicken legs in butter. When they're brown on both sides, add 1/2 a bottle of Worcestershire sauce, and enough water to cover the chicken a little more than halfway. Cover and simmer on medium-high for 20 minutes. Flip the chicken, lower the heat, add a little water (if needed) and continue to cook on medium-low heat for 10 minutes.

Serve with white fluffy rice (USE THE GRAVY) and a side of buttered peas.

What comfort foods did your mom make growing up?


  1. I just added my post from today! Thanks for hosting this!

  2. Ooh, comfort foods were always my favorite. :) We had lasagna (hence my contribution), gumbo, beans and cornbread, and--of course--brownies. Among other things.

    I'll have to give that sticky chicken a try.
