Thursday, June 3, 2010

Small Successes


1. Made ravioli from scratch.

2. Harvested basil, parsley and oregano from my garden to make said ravioli!!

3. Overcame an intense bout of homesickness by Skyping for the first time.

Check out others' small successes this week at Faith & Family Live.


  1. Yeah for homemade ravioli...I've always wanted to try it, but I'm a chicken.

  2. It was pretty labor intensive, but I had company over and we made it a team effort :). It was pretty fun, and really tasty.

  3. Yum, homemade ravioli and double yum fresh grown basil!!!!! What did you use for filler (I don't like spinach except when it's a filler for something like that, but always interested to hear what other do!) Did you use a pasta machine to make your ravioli? My husband (a chef) likes Giada DeLaurentiis' short cut of using pre-made wontons.

  4. Kristen,

    For the filling we actually went simple and just used a three cheese: ricotta/mozzarella/parmesan and fresh herbs: parsley/basil/oregano filling. I wanted to be able to have the leftovers on Friday, but the meat sauce was wonderful :).

    Yes, we used the pasta rollers from the Kitchenaid, which made it go rather quickly, and then folded the sheets over and cut with a pizza roller.

    I never would've thought to use wontons! Ingenious!

  5. Mmm! Homemade ravioli sounds great! Awesome success, in my book!
