Friday, June 4, 2010

Rain Rain, Go Away

Please pray it doesn't continue to rain.

It's been raining for three weeks. It's one of the rainiest seasons on record.

Rain makes cherries swell. When they swell, they split. When they split, the harvest is called off. When the harvest is called off... we eat beans and rice and sell the farm.

We've already called out the helicopters once. They hover over your orchard and supposedly the wind blows the rain off the fruit. Success? Dubious. But it does give a little peace of mind... and it's flippin' cool to have a helicopter on call.

Anyway, it's supposed to rain again tonight. If it does, we'll probably be wiped out. Pray the rain averts us. Please.

Free Friday returns. Today, National Donut Day, you can get a free donut (not just the plain glazed, but any kind) at Krispy Kreme... for those of you lucky enough to live near one.


  1. I understand how you feel. We farm in Michigan and lost our apple crop in a freeze on Mothers Day weekend. I will add you to my prayers tonight.

  2. You can also get a free donut at Dunkin Donuts, with a purchase of a drink. (I guess that's the catch...)

  3. Praying! I've been wanting the rain to stop just 'cause I'm thoroughly tired of it, but now I'll pray in earnest.
