Monday, June 7, 2010

Monday Morning Musings

Right now... it's 8:30am. It's sunny and beautiful outside. I'm supposed to be taking a shower and heading to the airport (which is a few hours away) to pick up my sister. Oops.

This past weekend... was scary. On Saturday my sister-in-law had a 4-wheeler accident at the farm. She broke her arm in two places, broke her nose and three bones in her face, ruptured a sinus, lost her big toenail, and is covered in lacerations and road burn. My father-in-law, who saw the accident, thought she was dead when he ran to her limp body, face down on the road. Her fingers were touching her elbow. After one arm surgery she's still in the hospital awaiting reconstruction of her sinus.

Sunday was a long day. It wasn't the usual blissful day with my husband. We were both on edge and didn't even do the LA Times. I didn't make dinner (though we had sausage, bacon, scrambled eggs, hash browns and waffles for brunch). I'm more in awe of my husband than ever before, he's such a good man, but it's hard to have a sweet blissful day when someone in your family has narrowly avoided death and is in great pain.

Some plans for this week: My sister is coming in today to spend the next three weeks! We don't have plans yet (besides cherry harvest), but I'm sure we'll get plenty done and have fun doing it.

I really want to make bread, bagels, English muffins, banana bread, and waffles for the freezer. I also want to make ice cream and granola.

Oh yeah, WE GOT A FREEZER! I'm so excited. Now the possibility of raising some porkers is real.

If I can find some time for myself, I want to... see above.

Special prayer intentions: For my sister-in-law to have a full and speedy recovery. For a happy visit with my sister. In thanksgiving for the miraculous avoidance of all forecasted rain these last few days, and for NO RAIN these next three weeks (for the cherries). And for guidance, wisdom, and prudence about a job opportunity I've been given to teach at a local Catholic high school.

Something that makes me smile: I was able to do a little watercolor painting for my older sister's birthday card.

Monday Morning Musings are graciously hosted by Patch o' Dirt Farm.


  1. So scary about your sister-in-law. My kids ride the 4 wheeler around the house (fairly level ground, and all grass), but it will make me think twice about letting them ride it.

    Yep, freezers are farm necessities. We have 2 fridges and two upright freezers--and since we are having a steer and hog butchered next week, we may actually need to borrow another!

    Praying for your SIL and the cherry harvest. Did you get your hay in okay?

  2. sooooooo scary! i'll pray for her recovery!

    great news about the rain missing you though. :)
