Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Golden Granola

Tasty Tuesday
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There are a few foods for which everyone claims to have the "absolute best" recipe. Homemade pizza crust, lasagna, chocolate chip cookies, and tacos are a few. Any search for those recipes will turn up results such as: "absolute best," "best EVER," "world's best." Well, when looking for a good homemade granola recipe, I ran into dozens of recipes claiming to be "the world's best" and they are all comprised of about the same ingredients in different proportions.

At long last, I just went with a recipe and now I've stuck with it (adapting it each time and liking all the variations equally well). This recipe came by way of my sister-in-law's mom. I'm not claiming this is the best recipe on earth, but I will claim that my husband and I really like it. My preferred way of consuming this delight is as a cereal with blueberries and/or bananas and milk. But it also goes wonderfully on yogurt, on ice cream, or just straight and dry as a snack.

Golden Granola
Adapted from: Ann Sutton
  • 4 c. oatmeal (uncooked)
  • 1 c. coarsely chopped nuts
  • 1 c. coconut
  • 1/2 cup wheat bran (optional, it adds fiber)
  • 1/2 c. honey
  • 1/4 c. melted butter
  • 1 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp. nutmeg
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 2/3 c. raisins
Combine all ingredients except raisins in a bowl and mix well. Spread evenly on an ungreased large rimmed cookie sheet. Bake in a preheated oven (350°) 15 minutes, stir, and bake 10 minutes more. Stir in raisins, cool thoroughly, and store in a tightly covered container in a cool dry place.

What are you cooking?


  1. thanks for reminding me...I am almost out of granola and totally out of yogurt!

  2. I am going to go make this right now!!! (seriously, I just wrote down the ingredients and directions...)

  3. Wow! John and I just shared a bowl of vanilla yogurt with this granola on top... and we give it two thumbs way up! Plus, our house smells amazing from baking it! Thanks a lot!

  4. I've never been a granola fan, but that does sound good. Especially with a little yogurt. Mm.

    My contribution: No-Rise Pizza Crust.

  5. I've only recently become a granola fan, and I had never tried to make it myself before, until seeing your recipe and trying it today! It was GREAT! Thanks for posting it!!!

  6. Awesome!! I've been wanting to make my own granola because we are paying through the roof for delicious organic granola, I thought, there HAS to be a way to make it at home. I will try this recipe!

  7. I have been making my own granola for a while and love it. I use sweetened condensed cream as the "glue" and have been wanting to find something a little more natural and healthy. I will definitely be trying your recipe. Thanks!

  8. I had linked back to your blog, but for some reason I put it on the wrong post. Sorry! I fixed my goof-up!

  9. I'm making this today! I'll blog about it soon hopefully and share your link/recipe w/ everyone. I'm going to add a few things, like pumpking seeds and some dried fruit, if I can find some at the store. Post pics of the baby calf! I love your blog because I'm a country girl living in the city =)
