Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Garden Update

I grew this from a seed! ME!! Growing basil!

I grew this from a seed, too. I planted 32 radish seeds and 3 came up. Yay for my abundant crop!

My beans are positively thriving, though!

We have pea plants!!

Fresh salad, anyone?

This is the first tomato plant I haven't murdered.

Parsley and more basil are doing splendidly. But you know what makes me so upset?

Last week, when I was sunning and shading and watering and weeding and babying these stupid plants, they were dying. (Don't you love cilantro?)

I haven't looked at the garden in a week, and I wake up this morning to see it looking like this.

Maybe I should leave my garden alone and move.


  1. Oh! It looks wonderful! Great job!

  2. Wow, yours is certainly doing better than mine! Bunnies got to our lettuce and I am so bummed!

  3. nice blog. Being a great lover of garden art, I enjoyed going through your blog. keep on posting.

  4. YEAH!!!!! That is great. We have had a bumper crop of squash and zucchini this year and beans! We had beans last night and they were so yummy. Our peas have been hit or miss :(. Tomatoes are finally coming in though. I'm so glad to hear your garden is taking off.
