Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Fruit Dip from Heaven

Tasty Tuesday
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I'll share with you a "recipe" that made me giddy as a young child. My Aunt Kathy would make this for Easter every year. To me it was worth the obscenely long drive on Good Friday (without the comfort of fast food, which we could only eat on road trips... but not on Good Friday), the pain of having my hair french-braided for the Easter Vigil, and the humiliation of (year after year) totally bombing on the Easter egg hunt as my eldest cousins looked on and laughed. It was all worth it, if only I could get unlimited dibs at this culinary marvel.

Without further ado:

Aunt Kathy's Fruit Dip

1) 1 jar marshmallow cream
2) 1 package softened cream cheese

Directions: With an electric mixer, mix the two together. (If you find it far too sweet, which I never did, you can put two packages of cream cheese for every jar of marshmallow cream. But I think this is perfection.)

That's it. She would serve it with a massive plate of fresh sweet juicy strawberries. And I would hide in the back room at Granny & Grandpa's house (after losing the Easter egg hunt yet again) with this dip as happy as could be.

Since discovering this recipe I've also served it with apple slices, kiwi, grapes, and even (yes, dear readers) on a spoon.


  1. Marshmallow creme = win. :)

    My offering(s) this week: Super-easy taco soup and homemade taco seasoning.

  2. wow this dip looks awesome. I love marshmallow fluff!

  3. It's also delicious on watermelon believe it or not!

  4. How yummy can you get with that dip?

    Try my sweet potatoes even though, they can't possibly be as delightful as marshmallow creme and cream cheese. Oh, so good.

  5. I am always late to get here. I am sorry.
