Monday, June 28, 2010

Back from the Dead

Right Now:  8:45pm. I'm still full from the lunch I made/had with my husband and sister (homemade hoagies, sauteed mushrooms and green peppers, Italian sausages and whole seed mustard). I also just woke up from an obscenely long nap.

This Past Weekend: is kind of a blur. I hadn't taken an obscenely long nap before today!

On Saturday I made a chocolate cream pie and a sweet potato pie for Sunday's "Harvest Party." Sunday, after Mass, was spent writing a "harvest song," compiling a slideshow and making employee awards. The party itself was great; a cookout with volleyball, a fiddler, and great company (best employees ever this year!).

Some Plans for the Week: We scored some free wicker chairs (with a sign "free") off the side of the road. I want to give them a fresh coat of paint and either buy or make some deep cushions for them. I also want to (finally) try my hand at making bagels, and start job hunting in earnest.

If I Can Find Time for Myself, I Want To: Exercise. Even if I can't find time, I should make it. I've been too sedentary too long.

Special Prayer Intentions: In thanksgiving for a friend from college who was ordained a priest this weekend, and for all of my old seminarian friends. In sincere thanksgiving for an unexpectedly successful cherry harvest -- we'll live to farm another year. And in gratitude for my husband; the most amazing man alive.

Something That Makes Me Smile: The many stages of an exquisite sunrise over the river during a cherry harvest morning. Getting up at 3:30am does, occasionally, have its advantages.

Monday Morning Musings are hosted by Patch o' Dirt Farm.


  1. Those are the most fantastic sunrise photos I've ever seen! WOW! And welcome back to the land of the living...

  2. Love the pics. Me too...on the exercising. I'm such a slacker. I hardly ever do.
