Monday, May 24, 2010

Monday Musings

It's not morning anymore, but I was working this morning.

Right now... it's 4:45 in the afternoon. I'm in the midst of updating the cherry harvest computer program. I've hit a wall and can go no further. So I'm dreaming up meal plans for this week instead.

This past weekend... was spontaneous but amazing. During Mass the (visiting) priest said he'd give a steak dinner to anyone who could stand up and recite the 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit. My husband starting poking me in the ribs, elbowing me and loud-whisper chanting "do it, do it, do it." Amongst the 700+ people in attendance, no one else would (I certainly hope I wasn't the only one in the congregation who knew them!) so I volunteered. After Mass we went out to dinner, complete with appetizer, drinks, steak and dessert! If my Theology degree has done nothing else (but it has), at least I got an amazing dinner amidst delightful company.

Afterwards my husband surprised me with a trip to a secluded hill in the area that overlooks the whole region. It's a notorious teenager make-out place, but no one was there! The view is quite breathtaking. The plan was to stay until sunrise, but spontaneity met reality when, at 2:30am, we were freezing and quite uncomfortable due to lack of pillows and blankets. But it will be remembered as one of the dearest, sweetest, most lovely evenings of my life.

Some plans for this week:  I will go grocery shopping. I will. I must. Running out of food is one thing. Running out of toilet paper is another.

If I can find some time for myself, I want to... paint. It's a skill every accomplished young woman should possess. I don't have talent but if I keep working it might become a skill.

Special prayer intentions: For my sister-in-law's woes. And for a glorious and profitable cherry harvest.
Something that makes me smile: Sweet memories. And steakhouse leftovers for lunch.

This post is graciously hosted by Patch O' Dirt Farm.

1 comment:

  1. I applaud you for standing up for a steak dinner! What a great prelude for a romantic tryst with the man you love and who is obviously very much in love with you!

    I wish I could take lessons in watercolor. I stink at it, and I know it is just about learning the technique (artistry is something different). Maybe one day, when I'm 60 and my kids are pretty much grown...

    Have a great week!
