Monday, May 10, 2010

Monday Musings

Right now... It's 10:41am. Overcast outside, a little gloomy. I'm at the school table with my nieces. The fourth grader is furiously working on a Saxon math problem set with a half broken pencil. My second grade niece is writing 25 times, in cursive, "I will bring my books tomorrow." Happy Monday!

This past weekend... I baked bread, made granola, made a coconut cream pie for my mother-in-law, watched as my husband fixed an electric fence where the calves were getting out (we have beef cattle again!). I had a glorious conversation with my mother on Mother's Day. We went for a Sunday morning country drive and stopped by a place we saw with draft horse stallions and rodeo bulls. The guy put them through the paces and showed them off for us. Beautiful, massive, powerful animals!

Some plans for this week: I want to start building a chicken coop, weed the garden, and order supplies for milking Ofelia. I've started calling "Lia" or "Leah", which means "cow," after all.

If I can find some time for myself, I want to... sketch or use watercolors.

Special prayer intentions: That I can celebrate Mother's Day next year.

Something that makes me smile: Wild yellow roses from my husband.

More Monday Morning Musings at Patch O' Dirt Farm.

1 comment:

  1. Your weekend sounds idyllic and the plans for the week ahead ambitious!

    And I hope and pray you can celebrate Mother's Day next year, too!
