Friday, April 30, 2010


(Pictures taken [by me] at her previous owner's place.)

I got a cow!!!!

This one is not a beef cow. She's a MILK COW!!

Because she's not destined for the freezer, her name is "Ofelia" (named by previous owners).

We took her to the vet before buying her, and he gave her a clean bill of health.

She's due to calve in just two months.

We'd thought the guy had said she was due in October, but come to find out she was bred in October.

So we don't have all summer to learn more about milk cows and get everything ready.

We're going to learn to milk right during cherry harvest. We don't even have a milk bucket. Or milk jars. Or a barn. Or a milking stool. Or a kerchief. If I'm going to be a milkmaid, I need a kerchief (and wooden shoes?).

But I'm sure this sweet little Jersey will be very nice to us during the learning curve. And maybe she won't mind if I'm not wearing a kerchief.


  1. Woohoo! =) That is so exciting! I think the kerchief is a must...

  2. Beautiful! Ofelia has a dark face and nice tight udder like our Nuala. Best of luck, and here is hoping you get a heifer calf!

  3. She is so PRETTY! I would love, love, love, to have a cow! Sigh.

  4. I want a milk cow! Sooo jealous! Enjoy her you are blessed!

  5. I know how to milk cows by hand. You'll get the hang of it!

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