Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Garden Progress

Here are my 4x4 foot raised garden beds!

This is a 4x2 foot bed filled with rootstock strawberry plants.

They sat in a box for 10 days before I had the soil to plant them in... so they're looking kind of wonky. I'll post another picture at the end of the summer if they make it.

Meanwhile, last year's strawberry plants are thriving and flowering.

Most of my tomato plants bit the dust, but the peppers are looking promising!

And here's the new overseer of the garden project. Mush mush! Meow.


  1. Looks great! I am so looking forward to summer and all the fresh veggies, sigh. And that kitten is ADORABLE!

  2. Thanks for visiting my blog, and leaving comment, am now following you, love the look of your blog, and your sense of humor!

  3. ooh! Look at you go, Mrs. Greenthumb! =) I'd say you're off to a great start and will, come later this summer, be reaping the delicious fruit of your labors!

  4. Lovely cattitude. Each and very picture on your blog looks perfect. Keep on posting.
