Monday, April 5, 2010

Confident Requests

Happy Easter!! He is Risen, Alleluia!

When your marriage has God as the foundation, the center and the goal, it does so truly image the love of Christ for His Church. I'm so often amazed by this -- learning more about God through my relationship with my husband.

There are a million diverse instances of this. It's so so beautiful I want to cry for joy sometimes. I'll take just one "for instance."

It was Holy Thursday. My husband was working hard on the farm and I was busily throwing last-second things together for the family-wide Seder (graciously hosted by my sister-in-law).

Call #1: "Sweetness, could you bring some extra chairs?" "Sure thing."
Call #2: "Dearest, can you pick up some wine for tonight?" "Absolutely."
Call #3: "Darling, we don't have any matzoh... can you pick some up?" "You bet."

It was then discovered that one of the family friends (who can't drive) had not been picked up. Everybody was coming from different parts of town and nobody particularly wanted to drive to get her.

With absolute confidence I picked up the phone:

Call #4: "My love, are you still at the store? Would you mind picking her up?" "Not a problem."

I never doubted for a second that he would say "yes" to every request. He has a true servant's heart. He truly loves me. He wants every good thing for me. He loves doing acts of service for me.

No griping, no complaining, no hesitation, no "do it yourself." Just a loving cheerful, "yes."

Just so does Christ love His Church. He died for her, He rose for her, He serves her, He loves her. We should pray to our loving Savior, confident in his generosity; that he hears and loves us, and that if it be His gracious will, He will say "Yes."


  1. that is a lovely post. and you have a beautiful servant's heart husband. oh how Christ-like he is. blessings to you and him.

  2. what a blessing you've been given for a husband!
