Monday, April 26, 2010

Change of Plans

I had a lovely post planned for today with pictures of my raised garden beds (last weekend's project), but my data card reader bit the dust and the pictures are trapped on my camera. Alas.

But I'm pleased to participate in "Monday Morning Musings" (in the afternoon) from one of my favorite blogs, Patch O' Dirt Farm.


Right now... 3:15pm. It's beautiful outside but I'm inside cleaning and making my shopping list.

This past weekend... we planted beans, late Spring lettuce, strawberries and finished building the square foot raised garden beds! We also (well, I watched, but it was moral support so I can say "we!") got one of the balers ready for hay season. And... we had a glorious date involving the LA Times Crossword, Netflix and take-out Chinese food.

Some plans for this week: Sadly I have to work every single evening this week (including Saturday). I can't really make too many plans for a week like this.

If I can find some time for myself, I want to... bake bread. It's a lofty goal, but my husband really does enjoy it.

Special prayer intentions: For all the teenagers of our parish who will be Confirmed this Saturday. And for the kick-off of the Marian devotion in the youth group this Wednesday!

Something that makes me smile: Knowing my husband left the Chinese leftovers for my lunch today. What a dear man he is!

1 comment:

  1. Baking bread...gee, it's been a while since I've baked some.

    Kudos to you on getting stuff planted! I have a bunch of wee seedlings that are far from ready to plant.

    In reference to your questions about my yogurt, I will try to post my method this week.

    Thanks for participating!
