Friday, March 12, 2010

Superseeding Restraint

72% of first time gardeners buy way more seed than they can ever plant, become overwhelmed, and never start the garden at all.

Okay, I pretty much made that up.

I just wanted to be in the popular crowd.

My Gurney's order arrived on Monday and I've been looking at the 36 seed packets all week. Never go grocery shopping when you're hungry, and never go seed shopping when you've got the winter blues.

I think I was wrapped in 2 blankets, dreaming of a warm spring when I pointed and clicked myself into this quandary. I thought I was showing so much restraint by not getting corn (which is what I really wanted anyway), 'cause "we don't have enough room for that." I don't even like eggplant! And who was the genius who thought two varieties of watermelon, 2 kinds of cucumber and 4 kinds of vine-sprawling squash were necessary? Oops... I guess that was me.

Please bear in mind, I'm not from the country. These things are still a mystery to me. Thank you.

Maybe I'll toast those squash seeds for today's lunch and pretend none of this ever happened. Problem solved.

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1 comment:

  1. Anything that you grow that you don't like you can either:

    1) Give to relatives;
    2) donate to a soup kitchen / food pantry
    3) send to me ;) I <3 eggplant! j/k
