Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Ooey Gooey Amazingness

Tasty Tuesday

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 My husband loves lasagna.

Maybe it's because he lived in Italy for a time.

I rarely ever make lasagna, because ricotta and mozzarella cheeses are kind of expensive.

But this week I threw some onions, red peppers and zucchini onto a sheet pan, with olive oil, salt and coarse black pepper.

I really like zucchini.

 Into the oven for about 40 minutes at 375.

The onions get kind of sticky and sweet.

The red peppers and zucchini get a little bit caramelized.

At this point, I always want to forget whatever I'm making and just eat the vegetables like this.

But then I remember I'm putting pan-caramelized garlic into the ricotta.

And I set my eyes on the prize again.

The layers begin.

Have you noticed yet there's no meat here? Didn't really miss it this time.

On goes the sauce.

Then more ricotta (with parsley, 1 egg, some spinach, and a few cloves of caramelized garlic in it), zucchini and onions.

This corner has my name on it.

Or maybe this corner.

More noodles, sauce, cheese, a little parsley. Into a 350 oven for about an hour, and a minute or two under the broiler.


 Actually I kind of want this corner.

This is just wrong.

Come to mama.

Remind me again why I don't make lasagna every week?

(This post is more of a "recipe idea" than a recipe -- just roast some vegetables and use your favorite lasagna recipe).


  1. Oh man, I want that for breakfast!

  2. This looks fantastic!! Well done FCW! Well done!!

  3. Oh, mercy ... I love me some veggie lasagna. That looks absolutely superb.

    I went along with the Italian theme this week. Enjoy!

  4. My mouth is watering like a hose!! *DIES* I want this so bad. Can you come to Florida and make this for me?

  5. THIS WAS SO AWESOME! And you were right, I was totally tempted to eat the roasted vegetables on the spot. The only thing that held me at bay was the knowledge of the carmelized garlic mixed with the ricotta. Buckets of compliments from our first dinner guest ever, and Dan liked it, too. :) Love you.
