Thursday, March 11, 2010

Minuscule Successes


I really need some prayers. This week was one of those weeks I hope never to relive again.

I'm going with the high school juniors on their Confirmation retreat this weekend. There's been constant spiritual warfare and very clear demonic attacks. Anything that can go wrong has. Anything that can be thwarted has been. Any progress has been turned into failure.

I hope this retreat is fruitful, 'cause I don't know how much more I can handle.

With that said, it was really hard coming up with three small successes. They're pretty minuscule.

1. Got one thank you in the mail. (Just several dozen remain to be written).

2. Kept the house clean for one day this week.

3. Made my husband really happy by making this shrimp soup with these breadsticks. The leftovers were just as good as the first night.

Check out others' small successes and contribute your own this week at Faith & Family Live.


  1. Praying for your retreat. It WILL be great!!

    Much love, and thanks for the food ideas!
    Much love...many prayers...stay strong!
