Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Cupcakes of Amazingness

Tasty Tuesday
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Boston Creme cupcakes? No, not quite, 'cause it's a chocolate cupcake. Bismarks? No... 'cause they're not donuts. What to call them, what to call them? They're just... cupcakes of amazingness!

They look kinda like regular chocolate cupcakes, with gooey frosting.

Granted this would be amazing even if this was the extent of it.

But even inside the mini cupcakes there's more.

So whether you want to make big or small ones... there can still be more!

That's what I'm talkin' about.

Come to mama.

Cupcakes of Amazingness

1) your favorite cupcake recipe (I halved the one on the back of the Hershey's cocoa box, but will keep looking for a better recipe)
2) your favorite pudding (make it according to the "pie" instructions which uses less milk. I made vanilla, but cheesecake or chocolate or butterscotch would also be incredible)
3) your favorite frosting (I made chocolate ganache, recipe below)

Instructions: Bake cupcakes. Allow to cool.
Take a ziplock bag, snip off the tiniest bit from a corner, fit with a metal piping tip (I used Wilton #12, available for 99 cents at most craft stores) so that the tip is peeping through the bag. Fill the bag with pudding, insert the piping tip into the cupcake and squeeze a few tablespoons in (no need to cut out a hole -- just put in the tip and squeeze!). If the cupcake splits, you've put in too much pudding and will have to eat your loss. I'm sorry.
After all the cupcakes are filled, frost 'em and refrigerate at least an hour (they set up better).

That's it!

Chocolate Ganache
1 1/2 cups chocolate chips (milk, semi sweet, dark... whatever floats your boat)
1/2 cup heavy cream, or 1/2 cup canned evaporated milk (not sweetened condensed)

In the top of a double boiler (which could be as easy as a large glass bowl on top of a pan of boiling water), heat the cream until it's quite warm. Dump in the chocolate chips and allow to sit for about a minute. Whisk until the chocolate is fully melted and amazing.
Instead of "frosting" these cupcakes, I dipped them into the chocolate. It was easier for me and looked nicer anyway.


  1. These look so awesome...something to bake when you really want to wow someone!

  2. Merciful goodness! I am GOING TO HAVE TO MAKE THESE. Bismarcks are one of my favorite things ever.

    My contribution: A clam chowder that doesn't taste like Friday, but still fits the qualifications for one. Enjoy.

  3. Ahh baking...when where oopses are not a bad thing. :) This looks great and I can't wait to try it. Neither can my husband's sweet tooth.
