Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Timeless Litany

I don't have time to go to Mass in the morning. Lord, have mercy.
I don't have time to clean my house. Christ, have mercy.
I don't have time to make dinner for tonight. Lord, have mercy.
I don't have time to pray a Rosary. Graciously hear us, oh Lord.
I don't have time to eat a real breakfast. Lord, have mercy.
I don't have time to get a good night's sleep. Lord, have mercy.
I don't have time to make my work deadlines. Lord, have mercy.
I don't have time to exercise. Spare us, oh Lord.
I don't have time to read. Lord, have mercy.
I don't have time to call my friends. Lord, have mercy.
I don't have time to pursue my hobbies. Lord, have mercy.
I don't have time to write a letter. Lord, have mercy.

I turned my list of complaints into a prayer. Amazing phenomenon, but when I made time for Mass... the rest of it happened.

And I still have time to spare.