Thursday, February 11, 2010

Baby Steps


1. Made homemade whole wheat pasta this week. (Realizing it does no good to spend boocoodles on KitchenAid attachments if I never use them). It was stinkin' delicious!! (And I normally don't like whole wheat pasta from the box, so this is good. Baby steps, baby steps.)

2. Have looked ahead in the girls' school books and am adjusting the curriculum to their levels (instead of "a page a day") and am supplementing from the library. Wow, I'm actually homeschooling! It's kind of exhilarating.

3. I think I've lost about 3 pounds this week. Praise the Lord!

Check out others' small successes and share your own this week at Faith & Family Live! 


So I'm really really pleased with the first Tasty Tuesday! Thank you SO much for all who participated! I can't wait until next week to see what y'all are making. I'm going to try to make as many of the recipes as I can.


  1. I want your recipe for yummy whole wheat pasta. I have never tried making pasta before, but if I can get my family to eat, and enjoy, whole wheat pasta it would be more than worth learning how to make it.

  2. I second the recipe post! I really enjoy homemade pasta....

  3. Wow, you have had a great week! #2 is so wonderful - teachers and homeschoolers alike need to remind themselves to do that every single day. Looking forward to Tasty Tuesday next week!

  4. I need to get that attachment for my kitchen aid. I hate ww pasta and if it makes it actually edible, lol, it would be work it! Plus, I prefer homemade that way I know exactly what is going into my food!

    Good job on the weight loss!!!

  5. NOT FAIR!!

    You lost three pounds in the same week you made whole wheat pasta from scratch???

    That's just not right...I have been baking for days and now I can't zip my jeans. Argh!!

    Looking forward to next weeks Tasty's going to be fun!

    have a great week...
