Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Potential Filet Mignon?

Things aren't all gray and gloomy around here.

The robins are starting to come sit on the irrigation lines.

And calving is beginning!

This little calf was born this week. Not much family resemblance, eh?

Just chillin'.

She doesn't have a name... it's best that way.



Sweet and Sour?

Okay! I'll stop now!!


  1. Wow! I'm jealous! :-) I wish I were out on a farm right now with the new calves starting to be born. You are right about not naming the calves - although it is fun to label them like you did! My dad used to call my heifer that I showed in 4-H "Stew." It looks like that calf is a mix between a Hereford and an Angus?

  2. Proud Mamma with the hard work done.
