Wednesday, January 13, 2010

God's Covenant Makes Me Smile

Yesterday I was feeling particularly blue about the fact we are so happily married but so sadly childless. I had a Job fit of anger, actually. Then I sighed, said, "Jesus I trust in you," and went about my business.

When I walked outside a few moments later, there was the most beautiful rainbow.

When I told my husband about it, he said "I saw the same one... but from where I was on the farm, it was a double rainbow."

God writes the most beautiful love poetry.


  1. that's so beautiful, i'm praying for you both!

  2. there are no coincidences, you know. have I ever commented before and introduced myself? I've read your lovely blog for a couple months now, and did not realize you do not have children, yet. I didn't mean to lurk, really. Nice to meet you. I too was childless for much longer than I wanted because I had not met my mate. I got married after 40, and now am mother to my beautiful darling from Guatemala. keep praying. I'll pray for you too.
