Friday, September 25, 2009

True Mark of Marital Unity

This morning I groggily stumbled into the kitchen to find my husband munching on Raisin Bran. We like raisin bran... a lot. The two of us have been known to go through 3 boxes in a week. Because of the voraciousness of our raisin bran appetite, I've been getting it in the bulk section (read: open vat) of our grocery store, which isn't exactly the highest quality, but it gets the job done.

"Hm... you know what this needs?" asked my husband. I took a bite from his bowl as he was walking around the kitchen to procure the missing ingredient. "Raisins," I said with a mouth of the raisenless bran flakes.

"See. That's a true mark we're one, my love," he said.

I was preparing a gushing glance in anticipation of his sweet comments about me reading his mind and finishing his sentence. But no.

"We eat from the same cereal bowl."


Because it's Friday, enjoy some freebies!

Just two Fridays left to enjoy free chocolate.

Today only, get a single entree serving of SweetFire Chicken free at Panda Express (I know it's Friday, so say an extra Rosary and enjoy the free chicken).

If you live in the NE, enjoy a free Large Thincrust Cheese Pizza from Papa Gino's.


  1. hahaha that's amazing! XD

    i knew dan and i had passed the point of no return the day a distinctly dan-ish sound effect came out of my mouth without my thinking about it. his whole family just sort of stopped, stared at me, and busted out laughing.

  2. You got me beat sister.. 5 Years married and I cant hardly look at husband's plate or cup after he has been in it. He has a true talent in leaving behind "debris" , as I call it, floating in his cup and I could lose a finger if i reached in on his meal..

    Mary Solis Green
