Thursday, September 3, 2009

Small Successes IV


1. Kept the ants to an amazing low by keeping the counters free of crumbs, trace amounts of juice, and microscopic food particles all week long. Gross, but true.

2. Got through week 2 of homeschooling the nieces and they still like me! (and can whip through a pack of flash subtraction flash cards faster than ever before)

3. Got a few more wedding thank you's written. Never mind we've been married for... *mutter mutter amount of time*. When you send out 400 invitations and they all send gifts, you get backlogged. No joke.

Check out others' successes this week at Faith and Family Live.


  1. I love your blog. The background is lovely. I found you through Faith and Family Live! I am so impressed your homeschooling your neices. That is commitment.
    Good luck with the rest of the thank you notes. I have confidence you will get the job done.

  2. Don't worry too much about the thank you notes... According to thank you note etiquette, I guess you have a year to get them done. Sadly, we still have a few to do and we are past our year mark! I feel like a terrible person!

  3. Another blog (Kansas Mom/Wife) that linked to Faith and family mentions using cinnamon for idea!

    What a great list!! Anything that seems small is SO much bigger than we think it is. Sorry I'm late once again reading, but thanks for inspiring me this weekend :) God Bless!
