Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Oh, Happy Day

Wednesday is one of my favorite days of the week. Actually, it might be my favorite day.

You see, on Wednesday the grocery store ads come out in the newspaper.

Whole chickens for 79 cents a pound? Good steaks for $1.89 a pound? Blueberries, 2 pounds for $4? Real mozzarella cheese, $4.75 for a 2 lb loaf?

All of a sudden I get creative. I open the cookbooks. I whip out forgotten magazines. I start planning.

Life is great.

The days pass and I continue emptying my pantry... we eat a meal at the in-laws'... we pull something out of the freezer... a neighbor brings by some goodies... and as the next Wednesday nears I begin to wonder, "will there be a better sale next week? I did see those sausages a little cheaper about 5 months ago. Maybe I should wait and see..." In the meantime I stop by the closest grocery store that has nothing on sale and get a few essentials and figure, "I'll hit those other sales later."

And thus another week goes by where I anxiously await the new ads.

I wonder what'll be on sale today.


  1. i can't wait to do all the little wifey things! hurry up december!!!

  2. Those are some amazing deals on meat! Wish I lived closer to your grocery store!!
