Friday, September 11, 2009

Free Friday Fail

Sorry, y'all. I've got nothin' for you. I mean, until October you can still get free chocolate, but everybody's getting tired of that. I can hear you now. "Come on... we've been getting free chocolate for months now." I know, I know. Y'all want freebies; good ones; variety. Well, when it comes to free things, today is an epic fail.

You can get "free" water from your faucet (kitchen water only, please... I can taste the difference in bathroom water).

For a limited time Hollywood Video is giving out free kid's movie rentals... but... isn't that what the library is for?

Um, you can get free alphabet coloring pages. (did I mention I've got nothin'?)

Better luck next week :).

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I subscribe to a blog that listed some freebies. Here's the link:
